Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Some summer is ending free stuff for you

Want to keep off the weight this fall? Here are the tips you need to stay slim for good

10 Grocery Shopping Tips from Slim Women
This is a TotalBeauty.com weight loss diets article
The grocery store can be even the healthiest gal’s worst enemy. Fifty percent off your favorite double chocolate chunk cookies? Your diet doesn’t stand a chance. Or does it? Follow these 10 tips slim women use when they’re food shopping. Their secrets on how to maneuver each food aisle will help you shop smart.
Despite the back-to-school chaos, summer still isn't over for another month. That means summer beauty styles and regimens still apply, and what better way to keep up your routine than with free stuff?

Check out these top beauty freebies collected by MrFreeStuff.com and be sure to snatch them up soon -- they disappear as quickly as the summer sunshine!

1. Free Kids Haircut This is one of the best offers out there right now. Through the end of August, kids in grades K-6 get a free haircut from JCPenney Salon.

2. Free Ma Mi Skin Care Products Fill out a form on Facebook by Aug. 31 and get natural, healthy skincare sample packs from Ma Mi Skin.

3. Free Yoga for a Week Starting in September, enjoy one free week of yoga at 1,600 participating yoga studios across the country. Fill out a form on the Yoga Health Foundation website and be sure your local studios are participating.

4. Free Eucerin Moisturizing Lotions In honor of Team USA's Olympic medal wins, Eucerin is giving away over 10,000 free samples of its Daily Protection Moisturizing Body Lotion with SPF15.

5. Free Taylor Swift Wonderstruck Fragrance Enjoy the teen sensation's new scent for free when you request a sample via Facebook. Must be 13 or older.

6. Free Shu Uemura Product Shu Uemura is giving away 2,000 free samples of its cleansing oil every day through Aug. 27 to fans who "like" them on Facebook.

7. Free Aveda Haircare Samples Participating locations of Aveda Salon are giving away free samples for a limited time. Currently, you can try a 2-piece Invati sample or 3-piece damage remedy sample pack when you print the coupons.

8. Free Escada Fragrance Samples Get a free sample of your choice of Escada fragrances when you fill out a form with your contact information. Choose from Especially Escada, Sexy Graffiti, Rockin' Rio or Island Kiss.

9. Free Sample of Bellamora Skincare Receive a free sample of Bellamora Skincare when you complete the online form.

10. Free Beauty Products from Allure During the month of August, Allure Magazine is giving away tons of free fashion and beauty samples every day. Sign up and check their Free Stuff Calendar for daily giveaways.


These great tips came from MrFreeStuff.com who vows to provide the finest, most comprehensive selection of free stuff on the Internet. "Like" Mr. Free Stuff on Facebook for the latest in free product samples, free activities, and free things to do in select cities.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Fitness Saturdays: moms get moving with the kids!

Hate when it seems another woman is wearing your fragrance? Here’s how to create a signature scent by layering perfumes

How to Layer Fragrances Like a Pro
This is a TotalBeauty.com perfume article
Chanel No.5-- it's iconic, classic, and feminine. What's not to love about the most famous fragrance ever? How about the fact that everyone knows it (and many, many women wear it). Break out of the same scent brigade and create your own one-of-a-kind perfume. Using these layering tips, you can create your own signature scent that nobody else can own.
Saturday! Moms-this means time to work on your fitness as a family!
Here are several suggestions to get you moving!

1. Go on a hike-seeing nature in your area is fun and you  can play "I Spy" along the way
2. Walk  the block: and practice counting how many steps it takes to go around
3. Ride bikes! This is my favorite!
4. Rollerskate/skateboard/scooter- just get out there and get moving!
5. Jump rope-this one will be fun and great plyometric exercises

You can do it! Even if it's just for 15 minutes-get started in a little chunk and add more as you can!

Cheers to your success!

Monday, August 13, 2012

All diets and online businesses start on a Monday!

Hi Moms- Is it nap time for your baby? Do you have one hour left before the kids get home from school and the home work needs to start? I encourage you to use your NET time ( no extra time) to view some of these links and see about making a stream of income for your family. If your are craftsy and good and making things-consider www.etsy.com as a place to sell your wares. I think there is still some steam left in www.ebay.com if you have a niche market to build a store there. I personally, prefer online internet marketing as a financial boost because I can do it anywhere that an internet connection is available either from my laptop or my phone. Try www.clickbank.com to get started now. You have plenty of time to create a Christmas fund in August! Today-here are some business links that may be something you want to start your blog with! Remember-there are many business options and marketplace choices-so go pick one and get started!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fitness Saturday: let's focus on get your body fit and your wallet fat!

Just a short note for this Saturday post to encourage you in two ways: first to take action on your personal fitness goals! This could be making a healthy choice for lunch or it could be going for a walk or my favorite, taking the kids out for a bicycle ride.

It doesn't matter which you pick-just pick a physical activity and get started now!

If you want a fitness product to help get you going, maybe try some of these options?

Now as you are making good choices to get fit daily, let's also practice making good choices to get financially fit.

Remember to put something, anything into savings-even if you start at the most basic level of putting some change in a coffee can!

Next post we will work on getting a passive income strategy for you!

Cheers to your success gorgeous!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Paleo diet-how to get the summer pounds off and the summer fun money back in your pocket!

Hello Moms!
Especially a hello to my fellow single moms!

Okay, I am so guilty of letting the summer ruin my normal healthy clean eating habits!

It seems every other day we were at a bbq, a picnic, buffet or waterpark that served fried fatty food. Yes, I ate it. All!

Now that school is back in, let's get down to business: first of losing weight and getting healthy for our self and families and second, let's start earning some extra money!

Start now by clicking through this link to get your paleo diet book-you'll be glad you did because the food tastes good and is easy to fix!

Second, let's start earning some cash in nap time or in what I call NET time ( my 'no extra time'  time!)

These online solutions are easy to start and simple to manage, if I  can do it-so can you!

Go here to get started now helping ourselves and others save money on a cable tv bill by using satellite on your computer/laptop/digital device instead!

Snaps and claps to your success!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Single moms: a simple solution to making extra money online

Hi Moms,

I too am a single mom and I have been looking for a way to make extra income around my child's schedule and most importantly how to leverage my time during the nap! 

Here's what I have found and is working for me-if I can do it, so can you!

All you need is your computer and an internet connection to get started! These are my 3 top favorite income producers. When you set them up and follow a daily promotion of the links, you too will be making money online in nap time.

1. The $3 Million dollar monster commission maker!

2. Get cash for taking surveys - yes, this works, a little bit of time is necessary, but when your too tired from being up with the baby-this simple repetitive process can help you earn some diaper cash.

3. Work from home video-no, it's not porn- watch and see if it's a fit for your family!

There you have it moms-especially single moms who need help making ends meet! I encourage you to do a little bit a day.

No need to overwhelm yourself with trying to make a million over night. Just relax, put in as much time as you can per day around your regular schedule.

Commit to daily promotion of your links and you will go far! Email me with your success stories!